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About Us

Our Vision & Aim
Live Unlimited’s vision is that all care-experienced children and young people are able to achieve their potential and lead happy, fulfilled lives.
Our aim for Live Unlimited is that we are there on the journey with care-experienced children and young people in Barnet, helping them gain life skills, building relationships and networks, reducing isolation and providing them with the best opportunities possible.
Our Values
Throughout all of our work, we operate with the values of:
Collaboration - We listen carefully to one another, and to looked-after children and care leavers, working collaboratively to ensure their voices are represented in everything we do.
Inclusion – We embrace diversity, recognising every individual as their own unique person with different hopes and dreams.
Encouragement – We encourage one another and looked-after children and care leavers to embrace and enjoy new opportunities, providing support along the way.
Inspiration– We aim to spark enthusiasm in Barnet’s looked-after children and care leavers and each other, developing schemes that are a springboard onto new endeavours.
Partnership – We are stronger and can do more when we work together with others.

Our Strategy
Our Strategy
In 2022 we created a three-year strategy which sets out in detail our values, strategic priorities between then and 2025 and how we will work to achieve them.
You can read Live Unlimited’s three-year strategy 2022-2025 here.
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