On 16th February 2023 we celebrated our fifth birthday.
Despite the challenges Covid and the economy have thrown our way, we have gone from strength to strength and are so proud of our achievements over the last five years, including:
Delivering 1248 hours’ worth of Forest school activities through our Outdoor Club
Improving 213 young people’s health and wellbeing through the Imagination Unlimited fund
Helping 15 people gain their licence through our flagship Driving Ahead scheme
Supporting 67 16-25 year olds through our Aspire Higher careers networking scheme
Bought 920 Christmas gift vouchers for care leavers
Helped 6 young people gain film skills through our Reel Lives project
Giving 105 pieces of kit to digitally excluded care leavers
We work hard to empower care experienced young people to reach their ambitions.
Live Unlimited’s Chair John Hooton says: “We are looking forward to the next few years as Live Unlimited continues to grow and support care experienced young people in Barnet.”
To find out more about us or make a donation click here. If you’d like to volunteer or run, swim or cycle for us please email hello@liveunlimited.org.uk